To the left, you can see the before pictures. There was an old vanity from the 1970s, a toilet that had a date inside that said 1974, a textured wallpaper, and a little bit of mold.

For the floor, we weren't finding anything that we really wanted at any of the big box stores, so we took a trip to Floor & Decor where they had a really wide selection of tiles. We decided to go with a ceramic tile because we both just loved it - Florentina Gray Ceramic tile. Maybe we liked it so much because we spent some time in Florence this summer! Whatever it was, we both agreed and we really liked the price of 99¢ square foot. With a small bathroom, we spent about $60 on the tile. We bought a darker gray grout and sealer and we were set to start tiling.

The vanity came from Indy Surplus Liquidators. If you haven't followed them on Facebook, it is definitely worth looking at. They buy truckloads of returns from WayFair or other companies like them and then sell them at a greatly reduced price. We got the vanity with a marble top for $250 (regular price at WayFair was $850). It has one small scratch on the bottom, but I can definitely live with that - it is covered up by the wastebasket anyway!).
The parents got us an Amazon gift certificate for Christmas, so a new light came from there. We purchased the new toilet from Costco (people rave about the Water Ridge Dual Flush toilet from the warehouse only) and got the new mirror from Menard's (Delta Mirrors).
We still have to replace the outlets and put covers on, and we want to add doors to the shower, but here is the (mostly) finished product.